Loan Calculators
Determine Your Ability to Qualify for a Loan
Use this calculator as your first step in determining your ability to qualify for a loan. While this calculator can't guarantee you will qualify for your desired loan, it is a good check point to see if it is within your means.
Loan Prequalification Calculator
Calculate Simple Loan Amortization
Enter your desired monthly payment per your budget — and let us calculate your maximum loan amount. Or, enter in your needed loan amount and we will calculate your monthly payment. You can then examine your remaining principal balances by payment, total of all payments made and total interest paid. Press the "View Report" button to see a monthly payment schedule.
Calculate a Variety of Loan Options
Use this calculator to look at a variety of possible loan scenarios. Use the slider controls to change your monthly payment, loan amount, interest rate or term. Press the "View Report" button to see a complete amortization schedule, either by month or by year.
Calculate How Much Refinancing Can Save You
How much interest can you save if you refinance an existing loan? This calculator helps you find out! Enter the specifics about your current loan and determine how much interest refinancing can save you. In addition, it will calculate the number of months to break even on closing costs with your reduced monthly payment. Click the "View Report" button for a detailed look at the results.
Loan Refinancing Savings Calculator
Determine Alternative Payment Frequencies
Use this calculator to determine your payment or loan amount for different payment frequencies. You can make payments weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. You can then examine your principal balances by payment, total of all payments made, and total interest paid. NOTE: Farm Credit of the Virginias does not offer weekly, bi-weekly or semi-monthly payment options.
Alternative Payment Frequencies Calculator
Calculate Your Estimated Patronage Refund
One of the most important financial benefits of being a Farm Credit member-borrower is having the opportunity to share in our profits through our patronage refund program. Use this calculator to estimate your annual patronage distribution. Results are based on the 10-year average refund totals. Past performance is not a guarantee of future payouts. Calculations do not account for time value of money or distinguish between returns made in cash and in allocated surplus. Talk to your loan officer for details on your individual patronage refund. Calculate your estimated patronage refund using the calculator below.
Calculate Your Patronage Distribution
Here is your estimated Patronage Distribution: ESTIMATED PATRONAGE
After receipt of your distribution, patronage effectively lowers your total interest cost for the first year of your loan from $XXXXX to: EFFECTIVE INTEREST EXPENSE
This effectively lowers your interest rate from XXXX to: EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE
*Results based on 15-year average refund totals. Past performance not a guarantee of future payouts. Calculations do not account for time value of money or distinguish between returns made in cash and in allocated surplus. Talk to a loan officer for details.